2014年1月22日 星期三

嘉年華 Carnival Season is Coming!

In Focus
Carnival Season is Coming!
Carnival Season is Coming!

When the spring comes, it's the most wonderful time to celebrate carnivals in European streets. Here we feature 3 popular carnivals with different themes. All these places are easy to reach from main cities by high speed trains.

Nice Carnival
Time: 14 Feb - 4 Mar 2014
A wide variety of carnival floats with street arts are the trademark of this carnival. In parallel, about twenty groups of professional and amateur artists and musicians add colour and rhythm to each carnival parade.

Venice Carnival
Time: 15 Feb - 4 Mar 2014
It is a huge winter festival celebrated with parades, masquerade balls, entertainment, music, and parties. Masks are an important part of the carnival festival. Walking through the streets of Venice, it's a pleasure to see people wearing different masks.

Cologne Carnival
Time: 27 Feb - 4Mar 2014
The "fifth season of the year" as Cologne Carnival is called, began on November 11th at 11:11 a.m. But the real "crazy days" from February will be an unforgettable experience, which will be celebrated with parties on the streets, in public squares and in pubs. 

source:  TLX Newsflash

2012年11月10日 星期六

Seating 坐位文化?




2011年11月20日 星期日

Dine-2-Gather 裸食:最後的港式俄羅斯西餐 。「豉油西餐」

飲食 最後的港式俄羅斯西餐 港式西餐有個音譯的英文名叫「 sai chaan」,不但代表各種西洋大餐,當年更是英國紳士、高級華人的專利,除了價錢嚇死,也是一種慾望對象,不但涉及身份地位.. 經人類學家點化,遇上77歲的李炳師傅,他娶了位中英混血銀髮靚老婆Maria,還一手一腳每天煮成多款獨門咖喱... http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/template/apple_sub/art_main.php?iss_id=20111121&sec_id=12187363&art_id=15818438 中文大學人類學系教授張展鴻指出,香港從五十年代到七十年代,俄羅斯西餐廳很受歡迎,是情侶的浪漫勝地,廚師為了方便和就地取材,會在西餐中加入豉油調味,創出獨特風味的「豉油西餐」。李師傅說他用豉油只用來調色之用,在五十年代已經如此,否則就要用昂貴的保維爾牛肉汁了,或者落色粉。其實「豉油西餐」不同山寨,而是創意...